About Yada – The World's Greatest Rejuvenation

Meet The Minister of Health

Minister Yahdan Yada, founder of The World’s Greatest Rejuvenation and Yadalo Group SA is a multifaceted entrepreneur; herbalist, teacher, speaker, husband and father. Yada has devoted his life and career to teaching the healing power of self-love and investments into one’s self, family and business.

As a Minister of Health and renowned herbalist, Yada dedicates his time traveling globally to explore, study and discover plants with healing properties. Through his findings, he shares with the world detoxes and healing practices that lead to true health. His greatest findings led him healing his own family to health; detoxing his beloved parents from sickness and naturally birthing his son into the world alongside his beautiful wife.

Creating an impactful business model based on love, empathy and understanding of others, Yada has established himself as a beacon for those who value community and compassion, all while building a global multi-million dollar empire.

Living a life of intention, Yada’s work aligns with his lifestyle. He serves as a leader and brother to many, even outside of business. Through his teachings, he uses his platform to elevate others, while speaking life into his family and global community.
yada sitting